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Sharpie, meet your match!

Last week, while cleaning in one room, I safely put my kids in the kitchen at their child-friendly, easily cleaned craft table to color.  Well, after the dusting and vacuuming was done, I checked in on them to find that they were using their easel in the kitchen too with a chalkboard on one side and a dry erase board on the other.  All was good and I continued on my cleaning spree….then, it hit me…."Where did they find their dry erase markers?  I had those put away so they wouldn't let them dry out". 
I ran back to the kitchen to find my 3 year old twins writing on the dry erase board and the side wall with a beautiful blue sharpie marker.  I quickly grabbed a wet paper towel to see if some of it would wipe away if it were still wet (Yeah, right!!)

I stood there a little disappointed thinking that their brand new easel was basically ruined.  I went through a list of all of the cleaners we had in the house and I knew none of them would even make a dent in the damage.  

Then, I spotted the Magic Eraser under the kitchen sink.  "Might as well give it a try, nothing else is working". With a quite a bit of elbow grease and the magic eraser, the sharpie marks have come out of the dry erase board and the side walls of the easel.

So, besides the obvious rule of hiding the sharpies even better than before, I will always keep a Magic Eraser on hand for emergencies.  What kind of products do you keep on hand for "emergencies"?

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  1. Those things are amazing. I should go get one just to have. I love them for the bathtubs. My kids are older now, but remembering all that stuff.

  2. I'm glad the eraser worked, otherwise you might have had to buy new easel ;)

  3. Those Magic Erasures are magical, aren't they? I keep them on hand, too - I discovered how effective they are for removing sharpie after Princess Nagger got hold of one and 'decorated' her play house. ;)

    Congrats on being featured over at Friendly Friday! Nice to 'meet' you. I'm your newest follower. :)

    Aloha: Paper Stacks - to Save or Not to Save

  4. NEw blog follower from Friendly Friday! Have a great Friday!

  5. Another trick that doesn't take as much elbow grease is rubbing alcohol. Don't ask me how I know... *smh*
    I like your blog, glad I stipped by... I'll be back!

  6. Ooh, I'll have to keep that in mind. That is usually kept in the linen closet, so I didn't think to try that. :)

  7. New follower! Found you on the weekend blog hop!

    Stop by my blog and follow me back if you like. I'm actually doing a "Shop My Closet" giveaway right now. :)

    Katie @ Glamorous Without the Guilt


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