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WordPress or Blogger?

I started this blog a long time ago and left it sitting for most of the time.  Now, that I'm really working on building a successful blog, I'm wanting to start off on the right foot.  So, for those of you who have used both WordPress and Blogger, which do you prefer?  I do have a WordPress account, but I've never played with it enough to realize I like it more than Blogger.

I heard rumors that your readers can be transferred over. Is this true?  This was a big deal for me when I considered it a few months ago.

Which do you prefer as far as customizing the look of the blog.  I'm not too impressed with templates for my blog, so I want to be able to make changes pretty easy.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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  1. stopping by from the sassy sites blog hop to say HI. I do not have any experience with wordpress, I do know that blogger for awhile was having some problems but things seem to be working good now! :)

  2. I'm so glad that you posted this because I was just wondering the same thing just the other day. Having no experience with wordpress I'm wondering if I'm missing something. I hope you get some good info and suggestions that I can read through as well! =)

  3. @Melody-mae - Well, that is one of my concerns too. That's why I stopped so abruptly a while ago. It was something like Blogger was deleting blogs for no reason. And occasionally, when I hear people talk about switching to Wordpress, that is one of the reasons they did. So, I wasn't sure if that was still an issue.

    @Alicia I know a little bit of using codes to make the look of a website a certain way, but I probably know enough to be dangerous. From what I hear, WordPress isn't so much about adding gadgets....which makes me nervous. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew, ya know?


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