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Etched in Stone (with Coupon Code)

I love engraving the black marble because it makes for a really unique and elegant piece. The black marble engraves a crisp white for high contrast so the image really stands out. Photos even engrave perfectly on it.

The black marble pieces are great for many occasions. You can engrave a photo on it and display it in your home in place of a photo in a frame.

Marble can hold up to all weather conditions, so your memorial pieces can be kept outside in a memorial garden.

I've also had customers engrave their diplomas, certificates and degrees in marble to display at their office. The marble plaques can also be engraved and presented as awards for promotions and recognition.

All of my marble pieces come with the proper accessories to display them immediately in your home or office. If you're having trouble with the design or the layout of how you'd like your marble piece to look, I can work with you to come up with a few different proofs for you to choose from also.

Now, here's you chance to save on all engraved marble pieces. Visit PictureIt Creations and use coupon code ETCHEDINSTONE at checkout to save 10% off of any marble purchase. Hurry, this offer expires July 31.

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  1. New follower from Sensational Weekend.

  2. I am a new fan from the weekend blog hop. Following you via facebook, networked blogs, twitter, and GFC.

    You have some really cool stuff, I can't wait to pick something to purchase.


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