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I'm back with a Mac :)

Oh, I've had one heck of a day today.  This morning, someone must have tripped over my power cord to my computer (the one that doesn't hold a charge) and my computer was almost dead in just the few minutes it took for me to clean the kitchen and start the dishwasher.  I tried to bring it out of hibernation and it just wasn't coming back to me.  I had to restart the computer and that's when it told me Windows could not open.

Good news is, I finally have a new computer and I have finally moved on to a Mac.  I've been playing around with it for a while and I love it so far.  It's late now so, I'll probably spend a good chunk of time tomorrow figuring out which software is compatible and which isn't.  I may have to get a version of windows to load on her for the engraving software I have, but we'll see.

Bad news, I still don't know if I can retrieve all of my information from the other hard drive yet.  I'm talking about the last couple of years of pictures of the kids, vacations, etc.  Plus, we have the Quickbooks for the companies on there.  So, cross your fingers for us.  I'm sick thinking about all those pictures gone just like that. 

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  1. Sorry to hear about your computer. Crashes stink! Glad you moved on to a mac. Been a mac user for 15 years and would not go back.

  2. Your blog design is awesome - I'm in the process of redoing mine and now it looks all busy after visiting you ;)

  3. I am so glad I have finally made the switch! I have never heard one person who regretted their switch. :) I feel like I might actually love my computer instead of just having it around because I paid for it.

    Thank you BWoMM - I just recently redesigned it to match my website. I figured less is more this time. :)

  4. I'm due for an upgrade myself, but I do hope my computer doesn't crash!
    Just found you at Taking TIme for Mommy! New follower.

  5. Following Time 4 Mommy. Hope you return the follow.

  6. I tell you, computers are the bane of my life. I wouldn't be without mine but when anything goes wrong I panic!! I had 4 viruses on it a few weeks ago and although it's almost back to normal, there's still a few things that won't work properly. It's costing me a fortune to get it put right. I'm so angry!!

    Great to meet you through the blog hop. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. I'm following you now also.

    Best wishes, CJ xx

  7. Yikes! I watered a laptop a couple of years ago, while watering a mac yet, but I did get an ipad for my it! Visiting and now following via Thursday Cup of Joe Hop...hop over to my blog and follow back if you like!

  8. Eeeek! I would be devastated if I lost family pictures. They are one thing that I cling to. I'm praying for the revival of your old hard drive!

  9. Hooray for Macs! They're the best computers ever. Hope you get your pictures back, though. Thanks for following me, I'm following you back :)

  10. Eeeek! I would be devastated if I lost family pictures. They are one thing that I cling to. I'm praying for the revival of your old hard drive!

  11. Following Time 4 Mommy. Hope you return the follow.

  12. Your blog design is awesome - I'm in the process of redoing mine and now it looks all busy after visiting you ;)


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