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Happy Birthday Lil' Man!

One year ago today, I brought this little guy into this world.  I can't believe how fast these last 12 months went by.

One year ago today...

I was praying he would come on his own.  I wanted a VBAC after 2 previous C-sections so badly. The doctors wouldn't let me go over my due date because of my past surgeries and they certainly wouldn't induce.  I tried some home remedies that have proven themselves useless through each of my pregnancies.  I had the doctors check before the surgery just to make sure I wasn't in early labor before finally surrendering and going in the OR.

One year ago today...
I waddled into the hospital....STILL arguing deciding on a name for our boy.  About 7:30 in the morning, we decided on Noah Ryan but continued to keep our mouths shut.  Our family and friends were still texting and and biting their tongues wondering IF we were ever going to name him anything besides FOUR.  My mom asked before I was wheeled in the OR if we had decided and I snapped back "Ugh, don't ask".  After he was born and we were in back in our room, my mom was holding him and everyone looking at each other as if signaling to each other "YOU ask her".  I finally announced, "his name is Noah Ryan".

One year ago today...
My fears were (mostly) put to rest.  At 20 weeks, we were told of a possible chromosome abnormality (T13 or T18), a heart defect and a kidney abnormality.  He also had a 2 vessel umbilical cord which MAY cause a weight issue until his birth.  After about a month, all problems (except the umbilical cord) suddenly were no longer issues - apparently they fixed themselves or were seen very wrong at the ultrasound.  But for the rest of the pregnancy, there was a lot of monitoring with ultrasounds and non-stress tests and a few times of being checked into the hospital just to add a little extra worry.  When he was born, he was my biggest child at birth and as perfect as can be.  No more wondering if they were going to find anything else wrong.

One year ago today...
My family is finally complete. I've struggled with this decision over the last year.  I have so many reasons to throw in the towel but my heart still says "never say never".  But honestly, I think my heart will always say that no matter how many I have. :P  Four kids is quite a handful for us but I am so grateful for them and their good health.

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  1. They grow up so fast! Hope he had a great birthday!

  2. Wow, you had quite a rough time. I'm glad everything turned out alright and you have this beautiful little boy. He's a cutie!

  3. He is so stinkin' adorable! Especially for all the trouble that you went through. It's awesome and a blessing that he's doing well!


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