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Spotlight Artist Interview

One of the most important things I've found as an artist is meeting new people and other artists, forming friendships (and not just business relationships), learning and gaining inspiration and insight from each other. I'm a part of a number of networking groups either through facebook, twitter or forums through my shops. And I couldn't have met a better group of people. They are so quick to help when they can. They help promote your work. They are incredibly talented and their work amazes me! This is one way for me to give back and say Thank You for everything they have done for me.

I am adding a new article to my blog. I will be featuring artists and their shops on my blog. You'll see pictures, information, ways to buy and follow them.

To get started as a featured artist, please fill out the initial interview form below. I will contact you if I need or would like more information regarding your as an artist or your work. And I will also notify you when it's your time in the spotlight.

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  1. New follower. I like the idea of your site and will read your updates. If you will follow me back, I will be featuring some Etsy shops on my blog too.

  2. Hi! How generous of you to offer us spotlight opportunities. I'll definitely be back to fill out an application. :)

    I'm following through google friend connect and now ... I'm off to visit your Etsy shop!

    Have a great day!

  3. That's very generous of you. I'll be back.

  4. Hi! How generous of you to offer us spotlight opportunities. I'll definitely be back to fill out an application. :)

    I'm following through google friend connect and now ... I'm off to visit your Etsy shop!

    Have a great day!


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