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[Review & Giveaway] PBandJToys on Etsy

Lets face it, some of today’s toys just don’t hold up to kids anymore.  You can buy them something at the toy store today to be broken tomorrow.  In most cases, handmade toys are so much more durable and ultimately become favorites because of their uniqueness.

PBandJToys on Etsy is a family owned and operated business that sells handmade toys.  It started with the same concept - a Mom sick of buying toys that would break.  She makes bows, headbands and necklaces for the older girls, wooden toy guns for the boys, and I love the handmade crib she has in her shop.

My favorite gift item was the lego boxes though.  My boys are crazy for legos.  I’m reminded of that every time I step on one in the dark barefoot or when I have to chase Noah down to remove it from his tiny hands.  These lego boxes are perfect for the boys to have their legos with them where ever they want to play with them and they stay contained.  The side panel is a base for them to build their boats and police stations and they don’t have to spread their legos all over the floor to find the right piece.  With a dry erase board on the opposite side, they can even layout their building plans.  When they are finished, they scoop them all off the board and into the box and clean up is done.

I was even able to choose the box and lego plate cover based on my kids’ favorite colors.


[Buy It]
You can purchase your own handmade toys from PBandJToys in their Etsy Shop.Save 10% by using coupon code: THOUGHTTHATCOUNTS10 at checkout until June 30th.

[Win It]
You have the opportunity to win a Pink Handmade Wand for your Little Princess by PJandJToys. The wand is made of pine, pink in color with fun ribbons.  To enter, use the rafflecopter form below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received 1 lego box for a personal review by my family.  The opinions expressed in this review are of my own and my differ from the opinion of others.  There was no monetary compensation for this review.
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  1. I like the wooden star princess wand. Yay. :)

  2. The Deep Portable Lego To Go Storage and Play Box is awesome!

  3. Set of 2 flower hair clips in pink and blue

    Cara James

  4. I love that star wand! My daughter would go crazy for it. too cute

  5. I really love the wooden toy gun :O)

  6. I love wooden toys that are so durable!!! But the lego boxes are AMAZING, and I decided I need one for my daughter! She's always leaving little things around for her brother to find and choke on... and her new obsession is, of course, legos.

  7. I love the wooden lego boxes also!!! What a great idea!

  8. My fav is the Pretty Pink Princess Wooden Rocking Horse: Ride on Toy for Child.

  9. wooden star wars toy gun- my son would love it
    tcogbill at live dot com

  10. i love the

  11. Headband Pink and Red Sparkle Hearts on Red Lace elastic perfect for Valentine's Day

  12. I really like the portable art boxes!

    journeykit (At) aol (Dot) com

  13. I like the Portable Activity Art Box!

  14. pretty princess pink rocking horse

  15. Wooden rocking horse - classic and cool!

  16. I really like the Soda Pop Tab Elastic Bracelets!! So cute!!

  17. i like the pink rocking horse.

  18. My favorite item is the Deep Portable Lego To Go Storage and Play Box.

  19. By far the lego boxes!! I have 5 children and these would come in sooooo handy!!!

  20. the lego to go store and play

  21. i love the Pretty Pink Princess Wooden Rocking Horse: Ride on Toy for Child!

    christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

  22. Most toys are junk. They break or have small pieces that get lost. That's a pretty good solution, make your own.


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