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Etsy Treasuries

I made a couple of Treasuries on Etsy today I thought you'd enjoy. 

Green and Gold

This Green and Gold was created with the holidays in mind.  Some are holiday themed, some are just great gift ideas.

This 'One of a Kind' Treasury was made to break away from the holidays a little bit.  In all of my exploring on Etsy, I've come across so many One of a Kind items that really stand out to me.  I cannot possibly include them in one treasury.  So here are a few of my current favorites.

If you sell on Etsy, you might also be interested in joining the Treasury Lovers Unofficial Team on Facebook.  It's a really wonderful group of sellers who help promote each other and have contests and challenges each week.  The group is growing quickly with new members signing up everyday and some of these treasuries are actually making it on Etsy Front Page.

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  1. Gorgeous treasures...Stopped by from Amethyst Moon Blog Hop and following you via Google Friends.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Gorgeous treasures...Stopped by from Amethyst Moon Blog Hop and following you via Google Friends.
    Happy Thanksgiving!


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