Have you ever been out with your little one when it’s time to nurse and realize you forgot your cover at home? This has happened to me many times and I try to make it work with just a receiving blanket draped over my shoulder. It doesn’t take long for my son to rip that blanket off either. So, it becomes more of a battle of the blanket than a peaceful nursing.

I’ve found the perfect tool to fix that - The Cover Me Strap. My first use of The Cover Me Strap was for nursing. With the two clips at each end of the strap, you attach it to a blanket and hang it around your neck. This leaves your hands free while attending to your baby. It’s like an extra set of hands for Mom!

I’m all for a multi-use tool to make my life easier. You could use the strap to create a large bib with a receiving blanket for your little one. Or, even keeping blankets wrapped over a stroller for shade without the worry of the wind blowing it away. You could also attach the strap to a stuffed animal or toy and keep it attached to the stroller.

The Cover Me Strap is machine washable on the delicate cycle and is easy and portable to keep in your purse or diaper bag. The strap is adjustable to fit our your neck or use with any situation. Disney even added the Cover Me Strap as one of their top 21 items to keep in your diaper bag.
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[Buy It]
The Cover Me Strap is so reasonably priced at $12 and available in various colors and patterns. Your can buy your Cover Me Strap on their website.
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