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Etsy Anniversary

Three years ago today (May 22nd), I opened my Etsy shop.  I remember after a year of selling on eBay, I was so frustrated with eBay raising their fees every few months (or so it seemed) and they had just changed the feedback system so buyers could receive NO negative feedback despite the hell they put the shops through.  Then, my mom called telling me that she heard about Etsy on Good Morning America.  I was up and selling soon after that!

What better way to celebrate than an email from Etsy telling me they are reversing some of the fees charged to my account!!  Etsy has decided to get rid of the standard $.20 PER ITEM listing fee.  Now, it’s $.20 per listing. It doesn’t matter if you have 1 listing for 100 pieces, you’re still paying only $.20.

Going from eBay and ridiculous fees and policies and with such little sales, Etsy and their $.20 fee per item never really concerned me.   However, I would only list 1 piece at a time.  And when it sold, I would relist it so I didn’t have so much of an upfront cost with the possibility of not selling that many in 3 months anyway.  My concern with doing this was what if I had people that had that item under their favorites or included in their treasuries.  If it sold and relisted, it would show as sold in their lists. And the links would seem pointless if shared on Facebook or Pinterest.  Also, this should clear up a lot of emails from customers that thought I actually only had ONE item in stock.  

Well, I’m off to change all of my stock quantities!!  To Etsy…it’s been a great 3 years….here’s to many more!

Gift for you
Oh, and what kind of anniversary would it be if I didn’t have some sort of coupon for my fans and readers!  Today only, take an additional 10% off with coupon code: 3ETSY10 at checkout.  Perfect timing for Father’s Day coming up in just a few weeks!
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1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your anniversary!! and WOOHOO for lower Etsy fees!! :)


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