This week, the friendly debate is Nursing in public. Most parenting issues, I stay out of. I take more of a "to each their own" kind of approach to it.
But, when there is negativity towards breastfeeding, I get all fired up about it.
But, when there is negativity towards breastfeeding, I get all fired up about it.
I am absolutely, 100% FOR nursing in public. I am a mother of 4 and have breastfed all of my kids (still nursing my 4th). For my first, I never seen anyone breastfeed in public and I thought I would stick out like a sore thumb if I did. For my own comfort, I would excuse myself to the car or schedule my times out around my son's feeding schedule. This worked great for me at the time.
Then, I had twins! If I had any chance of going out of the house for the 12 months they were going to nurse, I had to get used to nursing them wherever we were at the time. And I did. Luckily, I've never had anyone approach me negatively. I've had people giving dirty looks, but I'd respond with a smile (ya know, kill 'em with kindness). I was breastfeeding in the restaurant in Nordstroms once and an older woman came to me to praise me for having the courage to nurse in public. As she stood there chatting, I pulled out two babies from underneath the cover. She was shocked! She really thought I was a super mom. :P
My youngest is 8 months and still nursing. Although its easier to be back to nursing one at a time, I still have 3 older kids I always have with me. So, if I were approached by a store associate wanting me to drag a shopping cart and 4 kids in a dressing room to nurse and turn a 15 minute task into a 30-45 minute ordeal, I think I just might raise a little hell too.
Now, I always cover up. This is for my own comfort, not for anyone else's. For the women that don't cover up or whose babies nurse better without, I think other's should just look the other way if it makes them uncomfortable. My theory: I don't like when people chew with there mouth open, but if I don't look, it doesn't bother me.
What's your opinion? Blog about it and link up with the Danielle's at We Have It All to join the discussion.

Thanks for linking up with us!! And I totally love your thought about looking the other way when people chew with their mouths open. It's kinda like when I see people excessively making out in public.... it makes me uncomfortable so I look away - I don't go give them an ear full about it! So if it makes someone uncomfortable to see me give my baby a nutritious meal then they can just look away :)
ReplyDeleteOh, and the above comment was from Danielle @ Happenings of the Harper Household :)
ReplyDeleteI breastfed both my kids and had no problems doing it in public. I think it's shameful that people get offended by this!
ReplyDeleteFound you through one of the Blog Hops.
I’m following you now, and hope you’ll stop by and visit our blog sometime too!
I don't have kids and probably won't breast-feed them when I do, but it doesn't bother me to see it in public. Any negative feelings I have about it only arise out of my own deep sense of privacy - like "doesn't she feel exposed having herself hanging out like that?" But if the woman is fine with it, I certainly don't think she should be forced to cover up or go elsewhere.... bodies are just bodies!
ReplyDeleteGreat question, this does seem to be something that comes up a lot in the news lately!
I am very for nursing in public. I think it is insane that people think it is crude or whatever. Really, feeding a baby isn't appropriate everywhere? I prefer doing it discreetly which can be done just fine with or without a cover.