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The Big Move

I remember when I was younger and my mom had been thinking of moving.  I always thought it was an exciting possibility, eventhough, we never actually went through with it.  Maybe it was the thought of starting over somewhere else and kind of leaving your troubles behind.  Maybe it was the idea of just having something new and a new environment.  

The day I turned 18, I moved in with my boyfriend, now my husband.  That was exciting.  I had all of 3 boxes and moved, literally, less than a mile away.  That was exciting to be on my own, paying my own bills (yeah, what was I thinking?!?!)

When I was 20, we moved a mile back.  That was exciting because
we got out of our "starter home" and into our "home". This was where we would be when we got married and hoped to have our first child. It was a beautiful 3 bedroom ranch on a half acre lot.  I loved the layout, I helped choose the house (I didn't get too much of a say on the first place), I chose the colors, etc.

9 Years and 4 kids later, I've learned that packing up a family of 6, 2 companies and all of the crap to go with it IS NOT FUN.  I've come to my senses and learned that moving sucks!  

Maybe it's the fact that we always have 3 kids under our feet wanting to help (bless their hearts). Our 4th is only 4 months so he will calmly swing in the corner for a while.  

Maybe it's the fact that we went more than a mile this time.  We actually went 38 miles this time which means we went from city/suburbs to the country.  So, each day with the kids, we can make 2 small trips at most.  Not to mention it's hard on the bank account with all of the gas to get back and forth.

Oh, wait...I think it's probably the fact that I know that we will have to do this all over again very soon.  You see, we moved out this way so we can be closer to where my husband is going to build our "dream" home. He is just getting started with all of the permits and almost ready to start on the basement walls.  I'm hoping that move will be a little more exciting, but I can guarantee you one thing....that will be the last time I move!

Overall, I like where we are at.  I like where my son is going to school and I really do like it out here. But, I'm not transitioning very well.  I don't like that we have to move in shifts and no matter what I pack up and bring over to the new house with the intention of setting up or using at the new house, I will always have something I NEED that was left at the old house.  Mike is now starting back to work and I'm kind of left here to figure things out on my own. And I can say goodbye to the days of running errands alone while my Mom comes over for a while to watch the kids since she lives 45 minutes away, not factoring in any rush hour or weather conditions.

I know that I have been MIA for the last couple weeks and I've gotten a lot of great followers in the mean time.  I have lots to catch up on, I know.  Just please, bear with me, I will be back into the swing of things very soon, I promise!

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  1. I can really relate to your post! We did the same thing before building our home, and when we finally moved in after all the work and anticipation I was so thrilled to be finally "home". Of course, life brings unexpected changes and since then I have now moved an entire continent away....4000 miles!! I am once again in the "temporary home" situation. I'm definately ready to bury my roots, lol. I'm a new follower from Aquariann's blog hop, I look forward to seeing more of your blog. :-)


  2. I'm thinking of moving and just the thought make me exausted. Packing your life in a box is no fun, then unpacking and you can't find nothing. Hi, i'm a new follower from the blog hop.

  3. Moving is tough - I hate to move. And I have never moved with kids. I know we have to move in the next year or so and I'm not looking forward to it. Good luck with your move. Hang in there!

  4. Hi, New follower here from the Hoppin' Weekend, Hope you can stop by & follow me back, too.

    Following you via GFC, Networked Blogs.

    Awesome blog.

  5. Gosh, I hope things become more sane for you, very soon. How exciting to know the next move is dream home!?
    I am your newest follower, I would love it if you followed me back?


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